Young Adults
We are excited about our Young Adults at Westwood! Our goal is to pursue Christ together, encourage one another, and build relationships centered on Jesus.
We want to be encouragers.
We know that this stage of life can be difficult. Whether it’s trying to find a job, finishing school, relationships, or anxiety about the future, our Young Adults ministry exists to be an encouragement. We believe that God’s Word is sufficient for everything in our lives, so the heart of what we do is coming together to study God’s Word and pursuing Jesus together.
When do we meet?
Our class is on Sunday Mornings at 9 AM.
Who can come?
This class is for Young Adults! College and Career aged people who are looking to pursue Christ together.
See our upcoming Events.
Contact us.
If you are planning to visit us, or want more information on our Young Adults ministry, please reach out!
We hope you’ll join us soon!