We aim to love sincerely, maintain unity, and share our hope in Christ for the glory of God.
At Westwood, everything we do is in pursuit of one goal: to glorify God. This effects our worship, our teaching, our relationships, and the direction of the Church.
One of the primary goals for any Church is discipleship. At Westwood, we are passionate about seeing people grow in their relationships with Jesus, and with each other.
Jesus’ last command to His disciples before He ascended to Heaven was to “Go…” Westwood takes that command to heart, and we are passionate about seeing Jesus-followers rise up from all corners of the Earth.
Our Core Values.
The Gospel
God’s word stands forever, so we stand upon it.
Isaiah 40:8
Healthy churches have healthy homes. We prioritize family.
Deuteronomy 6:4-7
We follow Jesus and teach others to follow also.
Matthew 4:19
We do together as God intended us to.
Acts 2:42-47
Learn about our Beliefs.
Contact us.
If you have any questions about the Mission or Values of Westwood, please contact us!