Westwood Children
Westwood Children’s Ministry is a place for kids from birth through 5th grade to gather together, learn about the Bible, play fun games, and make new friends.
Sunday Mornings
Every Sunday Morning we have Sunday School at 9 AM. We have classes for all ages, taught by our amazing volunteers! In these classes, the kids will get to dive into Scripture, learn great Bible stories, and have thoughtful conversations about them.
Wednesday Nights
Every Wednesday night at 6 PM, our kids come together to dive deeper into what they learned Sunday, as well as working on Bible memorization. They also play games, watch fun videos, sing great songs, and play with their friends!
Learn More.
Westwood’s Children’s Ministry is all about helping our kids know who Jesus is, and fall in love with him. We do this by taking the Bible seriously, and helping the children understand and memorize it.
We have nursery care available for babies and toddlers. We also have classes for our kids based on their ages. We have an amazing group of volunteers that serve our kids faithfully, and with a lot of love!
We hope you will join us soon! We would love to have you!
See our upcoming events.
Contact us.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or want more information about our Children’s Ministry! We would love to hear from you.
We hope that you’ll join us soon!