We place a high value on our members here at Westwood. We believe Scripture calls every believer to be a part of the local church, so they can serve, grow, and find community. We want to be a church that takes this call seriously! Find out below how you can be a part of this call alongside us.
Get Involved.
Get Baptized.
Baptism is the means by which a new believer proclaims to the rest of the church that they are now saved. It is an outward expression of an inward change. Though you don’t have to be baptized in order to be saved, we believe that baptism is crucial to the life of the local church, and necessary for membership.
Become a Member.
Membership in the local church is crucial for growth of the believer. God uses the local church to equip and encourage Christians to look more like Christ, and to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Christians find community, use their God-given gifts, and engage one another in the Church, through membership.
Serve the Church.
The Lord has given every believer gifts with which to serve the Church. As members, we use these gifts for the edification of the local Church, and to help build up the church. It is the calling of every believer who is a member of a church to use their God-given gifts to serve the Church. Learn ways you can serve here.
Contact us.
If you are interested in becoming a member, getting baptized, or have any questions about being a member at Westwood, we would love to connect with you!